Egg Lovers

- my family loves eggs. That's pretty much it.


Woven on the Jacquard Loom, 8 Harness Floor Loom, Double Bed Machine Knitting

Mohair, Cotton, Nylon, Superfine Merino, Monofilament, Dreamsil, Polyester


*Are You Hungry series 5

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The eggs were woven on the Jacquard loom, cut, sewn, and then connected together by using the Dreamsil yarn, which can be heat-set. 

The eggs were woven on the Jacquard loom, cut, sewn, and then connected together by using the Dreamsil yarn, which can be heat-set. 

The weft was knitted into a cord by constantly alternating colors on the knitting machine. 

The weft was knitted into a cord by constantly alternating colors on the knitting machine.